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Configuration (config.yml)

The config.yml file is where you can configure the death messages and Discord webhook settings.


Example config.yml:

# UltraKills Plugin Configuration


# Prefix for all death messages

deathMessagePrefix: "&7[&4RIP&7]"


# Customizable Death Messages based on cause


  EXPLOSION: "&4%player% was blown up by an explosion."

  LAVA: "&6%player% fell into lava."

  FALL: "&e%player% fell from a high place."

  PVP: "&c%player% was slain by %killer%."

  OTHER: "&7%player% met their demise."


# Customizable Death Sounds for different causes


  EXPLOSION: "minecraft:entity.generic.explode"

  LAVA: "minecraft:entity.lava.pop"

  FALL: "minecraft:entity.generic.fall"

  PVP: "minecraft:entity.player.levelup"

  OTHER: "minecraft:entity.player.hurt"


# Customizable Death Effects (Particles & Lightning)


  EXPLOSION: "minecraft:explosion_emitter"

  LAVA: "minecraft:lava"

  FALL: "minecraft:falling_dust"

  PVP: "minecraft:heart"

  OTHER: "minecraft:angry_villager"


# Discord Webhook Settings


  enabled: true


  sendMessage: true

  message: "%player% has died in %world%. Cause: %cause%"

  notifyAdmins: true


# Disable death messages in certain worlds


  - "world_nether"

  - "world_the_end"



Configuration Breakdown:

  • deathMessagePrefix: A customizable prefix that appears before the death message. Supports color codes.
  • deathMessages: Customize the death message for various death causes such as EXPLOSION, LAVA, PVP, etc.
  • deathSounds: Specify which sound should play for each type of death.
  • deathEffects: Choose particle effects or lightning that will trigger when a player dies from a particular cause.
  • discordWebhook: Configure a Discord webhook to send notifications when a player dies. You can also toggle the message and enable notifications to admins.
  • disabledWorlds: List of worlds where death messages will be disabled.